I am loving my Hair for the New Year that is approaching. I have always been a person that love the way I wear my hair, and when it comes to a new hair style, I am all for looking great. When I am having a bad hair day my Pressonhair Extension Kit 7 pieces (18")length hair is my easy way to style my hair . I never imagined being able to do my own hair, but that all changed when I purchased the Pressonhair Extension Kit for my hair. As soon as my hair arrived I could not wait to get started on styling my hair. What I love the most about this hair is the color which blend in with my natural hair., and secondly I love that the hair is an Clip-on Extension which I truly adore and admire in Hair Extension. I have in the past styled my hair using glue(bonding glue). Bonding glue is the type glue that you glue to the hair weft before you add it to your hair or scalp. I have for years added hair to my head using glue. The glue is messy in your hair and often sticks to your hair. Ieven have an even harder time along with the bigger mess trying remove the hair. Those were the days of me not enjoying adding hair to my style. Now is a new day and age of styling your hair . You have so many different colors to choose from and not leaving out the variety of ways to add hair. You have hair that you can tape or clip in the hair extension to your very own hair. You can sign up to the Lux Beauty Club and choose your favorite extension or even click on a Starter Kit or Extension kit to begin. If you want Beautiful Hair in all length and color then you all you need to do is sign up to the Lux Beauty Club and choose the hair or hair that you like and love., at this same clubs I recieved all the great and wonderful hair to choose from. The best things about my Hair extension is the easiest way to add hair without the messy glue. I love the way that the clip in extension fit in my hair with ease and and it takes me no more than 10 to 15 miutes to clip-in the extension. Here is a picture of me in one of my amazing Hair Style
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