Valentine's Day is a very special day to the young and old. Age is just a number when it comes to celebrating your Love on this special day. Your Token of Love is all that matters. On Valentine's Day the Idea of getting the perfect gift runs through our mind. Candy, Flowers, Wine, and not to mention so many other gifts. So, we are sometime undecided on what will make a great gift on Valetine's Day. It sometime a matter of the heart. I love to smell good and my spouse knows that I am in love with Perfumes, Scented Body Lotions, Body Wash, and Candles. But, my weakness is a soft huggable Teddy Bear. So it is a little different with a Guy, you ask what would a guy like or love on Valentine's Day. There is so many things that a Guy would like and love as a gift. Most Guys love to look and smell good also. Guys take pride in grooming themselves just as well. My point to this Valentine's Day Gift is to offer some wonderful Idea's to take the guessing out of getting a gift, when the answer to the perfect gift is staring you right in the face. Make a note in your mind of what your Valentine SweetHeart likes and love. This will make Valentine's Day much easier. Even planning a Dinner for Two over Candlelight and a bottle of Wine, and maybe afterwards a movie. Netflix is a great site if you can't make out the door on Valentine's Day. It is the simple Gifts that matter and what comes from the Heart, so you are not putting a price on Love.
Valentine's Day is loved by many and why not spread the love by contacting me at Gwndlynjms@gmail.com to feature some of your wonderful gifts to be featured on My Love in Review's for Valentine's Day Gift Guide. You may contact directly at the email to discuss if you would be loved to be a part of my Valentine's Day Gift Guide.

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